Our goal is to make it easier for artists to develop their community and monetize that community as they would like to do so.

We're achieving this in a couple of key ways:

  1. Music only - we are building The Archive as a music only, artist-first platform.
  2. Video first - we are building a new place for music videos. YouTube is the biggest music streaming platform, accounting for nearly 50% of global streams, with effectively a monopoly on music videos. It also pays the worst (yes, worse than Spotify). We're out to change this with new ways to earn from your videos (in addition to YouTube).
  3. More exposure - since we are cutting out a lot of the noise of other platforms, artists will get more exposure to fans. We're aiming to build the best way to connect an artist with their superfans. We see video as the best way to drive "active" discovery, which helps to build a healthy community.
  4. Better tools to build community - by empowering artists with simple tools to engage their community, AND fans to be able to post to artists communities + engage with other fans, we're making a truly social music experience.
  5. Better tools to monetize - we are building the best monetization platform for artists, period. We'll offer the easiest ways for you to monetize your art while maintaining control. ****
  6. Ownership - artists and fans will own the platform content through NFTs.

Still want to learn more? Here is a bit of the research that fueled the early concepts and lead to The Archive:




Product Theory